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Our mission is to gather the largest and most desirable audience with our broadcast and digital platforms and enable our clients and partners to effectively advance their business and strategic interests through our products.

We provided media services at the Vijana na AgriBiz Competition Semi Finals: Kenya Climate Innovation Center

The services include;
#Mainstream media engagement,
#Live stream
#Article writing
#Trend setting on twitter
#Video highlights among others

No. Objctive Activity Deliverables Status Links
1 Create visibility of the Vijana na AgriBiz Program through the mainstream media a stories and interviews of the winners placed in mainstream media both print and electronic.


Media coverage of the Vijana and AgriBiz finals announcing the winners.





3 media stories




Done 1.     Kenya Top Stories

2.     The Star

3.     NTV Kenya

2 Articles on the websites Create articles talking about different aspects of the competition 5 articles developed and published on the KCIC, and AgriBiz websites All done and posted 1.     Vijana na AgriBiz National Competition- Supporting youth to lead a climate-resilient future

2.    Innovation fighting malnutrition among children wins youth competition

3.     Creating job security among Kenyan youths through Agribiz

4.     Farming is primitive…take another guess

5.    Meet the 2022 Vijana na AgriBiz national competition winners

3 Videos for the events Create videos captured from the bootcamps and the semis and finals.

Do a 3-minute video on the overall competition, which we can use going forward as a marketing tool for the competition during launch for call for applications

One compound video created. Done We Transfer Link
4 Social media publicity Create posters for social media highlighting the competition during the semi-finals and finals


Vlogs created and shared on social media highlighting the competition semi-final and final.


Post-bootcamp highlighting of the clients who won.


Broadcasting the semis and finals events on Facebook and/or YouTube

1.     20 posters created and shared


More than 20 posters created and shared Samples:

1.     Winner Poster

2.     1st Runners p poster

3.     2nd Runners up poster

4.     Finalists Announcement Posters



More posters are posted on FB, Twitter and LinkedIn.

2.     8 vlogs created and shared More than 8 vlogs developed and posted on socials Samples:

1.     CEO’s remarks

2.     Program Highlight by Jabez

3.     Pitcher’s remarks


More vlogs are posted here.

3.     10 clients highlighted in the form of posts and a video. More than 10 clients highlighted in the form of posts, posters and videos 1.     Posts (see annex below)

2.     Posters (sample)

3.     Videos

4.     Two events broadcast live Done 1.     Semi Finals Live Stream

2.     Finals Live Stream

5 Finalist branding Support Vijana na AgriBiz clients in branding and communication for increased brand awareness and outreach. 10 finalists supported. 10 finalists profiled and posted in the form of videos and posters 1.     Posters (samples)

a.    Kwa Mushroom Farm

b.    Agritech Solutions

c.     Koredo Koir

d.    Cocoa Bees

2.     Videos (Samples)

a.    Hope Farm

b.    The Wonder Bee

c.     Kawili Group

d.    Aquaculture Barn

6 Digital/Online influencer Engage at least 5 online influencers to publicize the competition Top 10 trend during semis and finals Trended in top 10 in both days 1.     Semi-finals – Number 8 trend Nationally

2.     Finals – Number 4 trend nationally